How we do it
The national housing crisis is an ongoing problem for British society. It has been widely recognised that millions of new homes must be built to meet our Countries’ housing needs. In fact, the UK Government has set a target of building 300,000 new houses per year by the mid 2020’s. Marriott Land is committed to play a part in the delivery of this much needed housing.
Sourcing Land
We identify land at sustainable settlements that can accommodate further development. We take into account a Local Authorities’ Local Plan status, as well as their housing supply and delivery position.
Promotion Strategy
In normal circumstances, the land will be promoted on a longer term ‘strategic’ basis in order for it to be allocated for development in a Local Authority Local Plan. Local Plans are the documents that Local Authorities use to set out where development will take place.
On some occasions, the opportunity may arise for a planning application to be submitted straight away. Even if the land is not included in the Local Plan. This would normally be because a Local Authority cannot demonstrate a ‘Five Year Housing Land Supply’ for future delivery OR because they have failed the ‘Housing Delivery Test’ regarding past delivery.
Engage with Local Community and other Stakeholders
Marriott Land strongly feels that a development should reflect the needs of the local community and other stakeholders affected by it. That’s why we start our community engagement as early in possible in the planning process. Understanding the local needs and concerns helps to shape the scheme as well as provide new or improved local services and infrastructure.
Address Technical & Environmental Issues
We have a wide range of consultant options to choose from. The right team will be assembled to meet the specific challenges of a given scheme.
Landscape & Character
Urban Design
Air & Noise Quality
Submit Planning Application
Early engagement with the council ensures we build a close working relationship well before the submission of a planning application. This collaborative approach from the outset gives us the best chance to ensure that our planning application is acceptable.